Sunny Jim - Historical Biography

The extraordinary story of Sunny Jim and his clandestine trips to Nazi Germany to gather vital industrial information before World War 2.

This is a specially produced clip from an interview about Jim and his life story.

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Lucienne's Filmed Memoir

Lucienne was born before World War 2 and grew up as a child in occupied France. She shared many memories of that time.

Chris - Tribute to His Late Wife

Chris talks about the process of producing a Memoirs Film as a tribute/memorial to his late wife Sheila.

John's Memoirs Film

John grew up in the pre-war and war years of the mid 1930s and 1940s. His video memoir recalls those years and his family's extensive history.


Memoirs Film Specialise in Producing High Quality, Life-Story Documentary Films.


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Memoirs Film is based in Surrey, UK.

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