Francis Goode's Filmed Memoir

Michael Goode explains the motivations for producing a filmed memoir of his grandfather's life and his family history.

A Tragic WW2 Story

Francis Goode is now 98 years old. When he was just 20 he landed on the Normandy Beaches, a few days after D-Day, and fought his way through France, Belgium and Holland to the heart of Nazi Germany with his Sergeant Stan Graham .

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John Hullett's Memoirs Film

John grew up in the pre-war and war years of the mid 1930s and 1940s. His video memoir recalls those years and his family's extensive history.

Titanic Family History

A clip from a Memoirs Film production in which Mark tells the story of his Great Grandfather who had a ticket to sail to New York on the ill-fated HMS Titanic.

Sunny Jim - Historical Biography

The extraordinary story of Sunny Jim and his clandestine trips to Nazi Germany to gather vital industrial information before World War 2.


Memoirs Film Specialise in Producing High Quality, Life-Story Documentary Films.


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